Frequently Asked Questions

Can I order a small batch tee or sweatshirt in a different color?

Man, we hate telling you no. But... sorry, no. Each batch is individually designed for a particular look on a particular shirt color. But we’re totally open to suggestions! If you’d love to see a different color in a future batch, please email us at and let us know!

Can I order a different design small batch tee or sweatshirt?

Dangit. We really, really hate to say no. But unfortunately, still no. We’re not a big operation and we only print in small batches and don’t keep inventory. So what you see is what you can get. But we love your enthusiasm and creativity! If you’d love to see a different design in a future batch, please email us at and we’ll keep it mind!

Can I order a different style small batch tee or sweatshirt?

We’re seeing a pattern here. Clearly, you don’t like to be told “no.” Fine. The answer is “yes…” Yes, it’s still a no. We choose the clothing we print on based on a combination of quality, looks and durability. If you’d love to see a different style shirt in the future, please email us at and we’ll consider your request for a future batch!

How long will it take for my small batch shirt to arrive?

Usually 2-3 weeks from the day preorders end.

Who are you?

Once upon a time about a million years ago (it seems, it was 20something years ago to be exact), an SHSU art student looked at Sammy Bearkat and thought, “our mascot could be tougher.” So he started drawing different versions of Sammy, just for funsies. Soon after, he tried out to BE Sammy Bearkat, and he made it! But at the time, the Sammy Bearkat mascot suit was really just a furry orange dog costume from Frankel’s. It was kind of sad. And it smelled really, really bad. This reignited our hero’s passion for a newer, stronger, more awesome Sammy Bearkat, so he went back to the drawing board. In 1996, after a rainy football game at Bowers stadium the old Sammy dog suit literally melted, necessitating the need for a new Sammy Bearkat suit. The young art student pitched a newer, tougher, yet friendlier Sammy to the University. The Department of Student Activities not only adopted his new version of Sammy Bearkat…they allowed him to design the mascot suit to match. In January of 1997, Sammy Bearkat went public with his makeover. And the rest, as they say, is history.


When will the next batch roll out?

We’re working on it right now! Make sure you’ve signed up for our e-mail list and are following us on social media so you don’t miss it!